How can I order FDNH Products?
You can place an order online by using the secure store on this website. You will need to create a username and password to begin using the online store.
What are my payments options?
We accept the following:
Or, you can place an order using a Purchase Order by contacting P4PS via email at info@p4ps.net
Will I have to pay Sales Tax?
Only customers who are Illinois residents must pay sales tax. The rate is 9%.
Will I have get a receipt with my order?
Yes, a receipt will be emailed with your order.
Will I my credit card be charged immediately?
Your credit card will be charged at the time your order is placed. You will be notified via email when your order has been shipped and that we've charged your credit card.
How will my order be shipped?
US Customers have three delivery options:
International customers have two delivery options:
How can I buy FDNH products for Intranet use?
Intranet licenses are available on request. Call P4PS at 312-464-0600 for a quote.
How do I view the video-on-demand films I purchased?
Our video-on-demand service provides you with instant access to video products by logging into your account with the username and password you create. Your account is activated immediately after your purchase. You can choose to buy a single view of any of the three films, or buy a package of on-demand views to address your unique needs.
How do I check the status of my order?
You will be notified when your credit card has been charged and your order has shipped. This email confirmation will be sent to you within approximately 48 hours.
My order has shipped. How can I track my package?
You will be notified when your credit card has been charged and your order has shipped. This email will contain a UPS tracking number you can use to track shipment and delivery.
How can I contact P4PS with questions about my order?
Partnership for Patient Safety® - 405 N. Wabash Ave., Suite P2W, Chicago, IL 60611
Copyright 2003-2015 P4PS Ltd.©